Leadership Lessons from Ducks

Cassie Adkins • Mar 12, 2024

Here's what I learned about leadership from observing my own flock of ducks...


My ducks always stick together. No matter where one goes, the rest follow.

This unity and sense of togetherness is a trait I admire and believe is essential in any team.

**Inconspicuous Leadership**

Interestingly, the alpha duck in my flock isn't always the one leading the way.

In fact, if you were to observe them, you wouldn't be able to pick out the leader from the crowd.

This got me thinking about the nature of effective leadership.

**Immersed Leadership**

The best leaders, in my opinion, are those who are fully immersed in their teams.

They are not distinguishable from a distance, but are right there in the thick of things, sleeves rolled up, working alongside their team.

👉 Take it from my ducks, being a leader is not about standing out or being identified as the leader. It's about unity, being part of the team, and leading by example.

What has nature taught you lately?

Lovingly Honest,
SaaSy Cassie

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